K. Male'
19 Feb 2018 | Mon 20:46
Photo collage of the arrested protesters
Photo collage of the arrested protesters
Trials against opposition
Opposition youth rally protestors released
The five were arrested while participating in the protest calling on authorities to abide by the court order to release political prisoners
Three had been under house arrest, the other two had been kept in island prison Dhoonidhoo

The protesters arrested at main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s youth wing rally on February 10 have been released.

The five were arrested on the main road of capital city Male’ while participating in the opposition protest calling on authorities to abide by the Supreme Court order to release nine political prisoners, including self-exiled MDP leader and former president Mohamed Nasheed.

MDP youth wing president Mikael Naseem, member Safa’ath Ahmed, Gadhdhoo council member Rayyan Jamal, Rasdhoo council member Ahmed Anil, lawyer Sheena Mohamed were released on Monday.

Mikael Naseem, Sheena Mohamed, and Safa’ath Ahmed had been under house arrest, and Rayyan Jamal and Ahmed Anil were kept in island prison Dhoonidhoo.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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