K. Male'
18 Feb 2018 | Sun 23:23
Police manhandle an MP
Police manhandle an MP
Ahmed Saaif Shiyad
Dismissed MPs
Supreme Court temporarily reverses order to reinstate 12 MPs
This comes after parliament scheduled an extraordinary sitting for Monday morning
12 MPs were dismissed last year for disobeying a floor-crossing ban
It is likely that the MPs will once again be barred from entering parliament

Supreme Court has temporarily suspended its ruling on February 1 to reinstate 12 MPs, upon request from the Attorney General.

This comes after parliament scheduled an extraordinary sitting for Monday morning.

The Supreme Court ruling on February 1 nullified Election Commission (EC)’s decision to dismiss 12 MPs for disobeying a floor-crossing ban. Parliament has said that it would abide by the ruling and has given the 12 MPs notice to attend Monday’s sitting.

But a debate has erupted after the new Supreme Court order to temporarily suspend its ruling to reinstate the 12 MPs. It is likely that the MPs will once again be barred from entering parliament.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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