K. Male'
18 Feb 2018 | Sun 16:36
President's Office
President's Office
Azmoon Ahmed
Gulf aid to the Maldives
Saudi Arabia, UAE pledge $160m to Maldives
The pledge is to support Maldives’ development projects, including the airport development, and fisheries sector
The gulf kingdoms are following the events in Maldives and have expressed their concerns
The kingdoms hope for peaceful solutions to the situation, through internal political dialogue, without external interference

Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have pledged US $160m to Maldives, stated the President’s Office.

In its website, the President’s Office said the Saudi Fund for Development and the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development made the pledge to support Maldives’ development projects, including the development of the airport and fisheries sector.

The governments of the gulf kingdoms are following the events in Maldives and have expressed their concerns about the instability in the island nation, said President Office.

“The statement notes that these events are an internal matter and that the Governments of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates hope for peaceful solutions to the current situation, through internal political dialogue between the parties concerned, without any external interference and within the Maldivian Constitution.”

The gulf kingdoms also said that they welcome any positive steps, and that they renew their support in matters pertaining to the security and stability of Maldives and its citizens.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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