K. Male'
17 Feb 2018 | Sat 22:17
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Arrest of Pres Maumoon
Ex-President Maumoon questioned over hiding evidence
He is being investigated for allegedly bribing judges and attempting to overthrow the government
Some rights of prisoners is suspended during the state of emergency
Lawyer Hameed said Maumoon has told the police that he has not done anything illegal to conceal evidence for

Police have questioned former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom over allegations of concealing evidence.

The opposition leader is being investigated for allegedly bribing judges and attempting to overthrow the government.

At a press conference on Saturday, Maumoon's lawyer Maumoon Hameed said that he was questioned over concealment of evidence "due to his behavior during the arrest at his home".

Lawyer Hameed said Maumoon has told the police that he has not done anything illegal to conceal evidence for.

“President Maumoon gave a straight answer: Your treatment has been unconstitutional and illegal from the start. Afraid of the law, so you hide it, afraid of rights, so you bury it, and after giving threats that implies torture, you can’t say that this investigation is legal. “

Hameed said that Maumoon has accused the police of conducting an illegal investigation.

He said that police had then promised to conduct the investigation within procedure, which has been suspended since the declaration of the state of emergency.

Hameed said that, since the state of emergency, different people have been treated differently, and that statements from the Prosecutor General and the Attorney General aren’t consistent.

He also said that Maumoon has been held in Dhoonidhoo and Maafushi prisons illegally. Hameed said Maumoon stands resolute even if the purpose of this abuse is to weaken him and his family.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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