K. Male'
17 Feb 2018 | Sat 05:09
Journalists attempt to recover from close range use of pepper spray on them
Journalists attempt to recover from close range use of pepper spray on them
Crackdown on Media
Attacking journos is a hallmark of this administration: JP
Police had used extreme force in disbanding protesters, media

Jumhooree Party (JP) says that directly attacking journalists was a hallmark of President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom's administration. 

In a press release issued early on Saturday, JP had condemned the harsh treatment of journalists and the use of excessive force in disbanding the warm-up protest in capital Male' on Friday. The use of excessive force, the Party said, was a hallmark of this administration and showed that the Government had no respect for public and their basic constitutional rights. 

The statement also noted that the administration had sought to use brute force, intimidation and fear on any and all who had sought to hold this administration accountable, obstruct investigations and implement their mandates. 

It also noted that several thousands had gathered in protest across the nation, which itself was a sign that the public had rejected President Yameen and his heavy handed tactics.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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