K. Male'
16 Feb 2018 | Fri 00:52
MDP Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
MDP Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
Mohamed Sharuhaan
All Party Talks
Joint Opposition rules out direct talks with Govt.
Asked for UN to be an intermediary
Had stipulated to implement Supreme Court ruling
Called on Govt. to revert back to democratic principles

The Joint Opposition has ruled out direct talks with the incumbent Government of the Maldives.

Speaking to media, regarding the letters sent by the President’s Office over resumption of Party Talks, the opposition said direct talks were not a possibility at the moment. Opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said the present environment was such that the Government had refused to implement a Supreme Court ruling, declared a State of Emergency and arrested several opposition figures, adding that in such a situation there was scant to discuss.

‘There is nothing we can discuss with someone who urges that theft, graft and corruption are natural things. There are no direct talks we can hold with someone who takes glee in hurting people. We have nothing to say to anyone who destroys the rule of the Constitution and conspires with an Attorney General to maintain that. We are not going to compromise on implementing the [initial] ruling by the Supreme Court. We have nothing to say about closure of Parliament,’ MP Solih said.

MP Solih added that President Yameen was untrustworthy and that as a result of this nothing fruitful will come out from engaging in talks. He noted that the opposition had asked for United Nations to become a mediator to resolve the current crisis. However, he ruled out the possibility that the opposition will cater to every whim of the Government. As such, the opposition said they will only come to a discussion if the Government implements the Supreme Court ruling on the 1st of February and release those arrested under the State of Emergency.


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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