K. Male'
15 Feb 2018 | Thu 08:53
Police during their search of Nadheem's home earlier this month
Police during their search of Nadheem's home earlier this month
Maldives Police
Police met ex-President Maumoon's jailed son-in-law without representation: lawyers
Moosa Siraaj said this in a tweet
Siraaj said officers of the police's forensics team had met with Nadheem

The police have met with Mohamed Nadheem, the jailed son-in-law of ex-president Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, also detained, without his lawyers present. 

Moosa Siraaj, who is representing Nadheem and a number of others arrested in relation to the allegations put forth against the former strongman, said this in a tweet. 

Siraaj said, in the post typed out in Dhivehi, that he calls on the police to not meet their clients without them present. 

Siraaj said officers of the police's forensics team had met with Nadheem and acquired information they need for the investigation. 

Police had also met with Ponniah Sudagar, a Sri Lankan driver arrested in relation to the charges, without his legal representatives present. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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