K. Male'
14 Feb 2018 | Wed 12:19
Military officers stand guard outside the parliament building
Military officers stand guard outside the parliament building
Parliament Watch
Parliament session will begin when state of emergency ends: Ruling party PG leader
Nihan told RaajjeMV that the session will begin once the situation in Maldives stabilizes
Ruling party's PG leader does not have the power to schedule parliament sessions

Nihan Hussain Manik, the ruling party’s parliamentary group leader, has said that the parliament session will begin once the oingoing state of emergency is lifted.

Nihan told RaajjeMV that the session will begin once the situation in Maldives stabilizes.

While President Abdulla Yameen declared the state of emergency, the government has repeatedly said there is no actual danger in the country.

While Nihan said this, the parliament speaker is the one with the authority to schedule sessions as well as handle the agenda other administrative tasks in parliament.

A total of three sessions are held each year, and the inaugural session is always held in the first week of February. But this year’s inaugural session scheduled for February 5, in which President Abdulla Yameen was to give a speech, was cancelled.

MPs of the opposition coalition have been voicing their outrage over the session’s cancellation, and have even attempted to deliver a letter of concern to parliament, but were stopped by security.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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