K. Male'
13 Feb 2018 | Tue 18:13
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed
Chief Justice
Jailed Chief Justice eating out of a bucket: Family
The correctional service has been making him eat this way since Monday
Saeed has diabetes but he has not been receiving the medicine that the family has been sending to the detention center
Saeed was given the opportunity to meet his family for the first time on Tuesday, since his arrest on February 5

Recently jailed Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed has been eating rice and broth out of a bucket, says his family.

Speaking to RaajjeMV, Saeed’s family said the correctional service has been making him eat this way since Monday.

They said Saeed has diabetes but he is being given tea with a lot of sugar, and that he has not been receiving the medicine that the family has been sending to the detention center.

Saeed was given the opportunity to meet his family for the first time on Tuesday, since his arrest on February 5.

His family also said that his jail cell in Dhoonidhoo has no fan, and is an ordinary-looking small cell plagued by mosquitoes. They added that Saeed has to sleep on a mattress on a cement platform in pitch darkness. They added that he has to use a bucket to wash himself and flush down the toilet.

Saeed’s lawyer Hisaan Hussain has also said that he is being kept in deplorable conditions.

Chief Justice Saeed was arrested at the Supreme Court after the government declared a state of emergency. This was after the Court ordered the release of political prisoners.  His lawyers have said that Saeed was pushed down and dragged away by officers.

Saeed was arrested on allegations of accepting bribes, influencing court rulings, obstruction of justice, and using his position to attempt to overthrow the government. He has denied all the allegations.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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