K. Male'
13 Feb 2018 | Tue 15:36
President Abdulla Yameen
President Abdulla Yameen
Supreme Court
Supreme Court dismisses opposition's case on impeaching President
The case was filed by the opposition
It calls on Yameen to be removed from office on the grounds of corruption and ‘tyranny’
The apex court said the issues addressed in the case fall outside its mandate

The Supreme Court has decided against accepting the case for President Abdulla Yameen’s impeachment.

The case was filed by the opposition and calls on Yameen to be removed from office on the grounds of corruption and ‘tyranny’, to have him replaced by Vice President Abdulla Jihad.

The apex court released a statement on Monday specifying that the issues addressed in the case fall outside its mandate, as per Article 113 of the constitution.

The case was filed on February 8th, by the opposition with signatures from opposition leaders Mohamed Nasheed, Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Qasim Ibrahim, and Adhaalath Party deputy leader Ali Zahir.

Last updated at: 2 years ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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