K. Male'
13 Feb 2018 | Tue 15:13
The school in Kunahandhoo island of Laamu Atoll
The school in Kunahandhoo island of Laamu Atoll
Murushidh Abdul Hakeem
Education Sector
Kunahandhoo school sacks employee for wearing niqab
The woman teaches reciting the Quran
The niqab covers the face and the body, leaving clear only the area around the eyes
The teacher said that she had previously been told to remove her veil

The state-run primary school in Kunahandhoo in Laamu Atoll has terminated a teacher from employment for reportedly wearing the niqab, a highly concealing Islamic veil.

The teacher, who has a background in Islamic studies and reciting the holy Quran, was informed of her termination on Sunday.

The niqab covers the face and the body, leaving clear only the area around the eyes.

The teacher said that she had previously been told to remove her veil, and that the school was reluctant to hire her in the first place.

The letter sent to her sites clauses in articles 273 and 47 of the Civil Services Act, which have to do with security and violation of procedure, respectively.

Article 273’s second clause allows a civil servant to be terminated from employment if he or she presents a credible threat to the security of the institution they are employed at.

The third clause of 47 allows for termination on the grounds that the employee in question has violated procedures set out by the Civil Service Commission.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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