K. Male'
12 Feb 2018 | Mon 09:58
Officers of the police stationed outside the premises during an earlier search
Officers of the police stationed outside the premises during an earlier search
'Endherigas' Search
Arrested 'Endherigas' driver kept without lawyer to acquire testimony: lawyers
The expatriate is native to Sri Lanka
He had reportedly been questioned without legal representation present
He is accused of bribery, and additional charges under anti-terrorism laws

The expatriate driver employed at ‘Endherigas’ is being kept without access to legal representation, his lawyers have said.

Mohamed Favvaaz, a member of the Sri Lankan native’s legal team, said in a statement late Sunday that he is being accused of bribery, and additional charges under anti-terrorism laws.

Favvaaz said that the police have met him without the presence of a member of his legal team, having convinced the foreigner that having a lawyer present was unnecessary.

This reported meeting was held after midnight, Favvaaz said, and officers had escorted him out of his cell to ensure that the meeting would be conducted under ‘unforthcoming’ circumstances.

His legal representatives had alleged this is an attempt to have a testimony, that benefits the narrative of those politically aligned with the government, ‘forced’ out of him.

'Puniya Sudhagar' is employed at Endherigas, a home searched in relation to the allegations of bribery put forth against members of opposition leader Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s family.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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