K. Male'
12 Feb 2018 | Mon 08:44
MP Ilham Ahmed (c) with wife Aminath Maasha Hassan
MP Ilham Ahmed (c) with wife Aminath Maasha Hassan
MP Ilham Ahmed
MP Ilham Ahmed's wife released
Maasha was released at 9:00am on Monday
A manhunt has been issued for husband MP Ilham
Police arrested Maasha on the suspicion that she was hiding him

The wife of Dhangethi MP Ilham Ahmed has been released.

Aminath Maasha Hassan was arrested on Sunday evening for undisclosed reasons.

Her lawyer Ahmed Abdulla Afeef told RaajjeTV that Maasha has been summoned to the police headquarters for 9:00 AM on Monday. 

She was arrested after police on Friday announced a manhunt for husband MP Ilham, who has still not been found. A close friend of Ilham said police arrested Maasha on suspicion of her aiding to hide him.

Ilham and South-Mahchangolhi MP Abdulla Sinan had been living in Thailand after they fled the political unrest last year. They returned to Malé on February 4 and were arrested at the airport but were released later by the court.

Afterwards, the police service announced a manhunt for the lawmakers regarding an investigation. Sinan has turned himself and is now in Dhoonidhoo Prison.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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