K. Male'
11 Feb 2018 | Sun 23:55
Former Attorney General and prominent lawyer Dhiyana Saeed
Former Attorney General and prominent lawyer Dhiyana Saeed
Presidents Office
State of Emergency
Cannot curtail vital rights even under State of Emergency, says Maldives ex-AG
Families, lawyers prevented from meeting arrestees
Cannot send anything to arrestees
Several laws under Constitution curtailed

Former Attorney General and prominent lawyer Dhiyana Saeed says there were certain rights that cannot be curtailed even in a State of Emergency.

She made the statement in a tweet posted following the revelation that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was being barred from meeting his lawyers or family members, indefinitely.

Referring to the law, Dhiyana said that said there were several basic rights that cannot be curtailed even in a State of Emergency. Access to lawyers, appointing lawyers were among these basic rights, she said.

The lawyers for former President Maumoon were informed of decision by authorities on Sunday.

A week had lapsed since President Maumoon was arrested. He is accused of bribing Parliament Members to overthrow the legally elected Government.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: samaah
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