K. Male'
11 Feb 2018 | Sun 15:17
Former Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel (l) with Jumhoree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Former Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel (l) with Jumhoree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
Jumhooree Party
Ex-VP Jameel signs into Jumhoree Party
Dr Jameel signed into the opposition party at a ceremony in Germany
Dr Jameel said that he joined the party because he believed that Qasim has the capacity to lead fairly
He also said that Qasim’s support was crucial to President Yameen winning the election

Former Vice President Dr Mohamed Jameel has signed into Jumhoree Party (JP).

Dr Jameel signed into the opposition party at a ceremony in Germany with JP leader Qasim Ibrahim and other senior party officials in attendance.

Speaking at the ceremony, Dr Jameel said that he joined the party because he believed that Qasim has the capacity to lead fairly.

Dr Jameel said that the nation’s leadership has been seized by one person, and that the government has become a burden for citizens.

President Abdulla Yameen has failed to fulfill his pledge to bring economic stability to the Maldivian people, said Dr Jameel.

He also said that the government is being used for specific purposes instead of treating each citizen in a fair and impartial manner.

Dr Jameel said that Qasim’s support was crucial to President Yameen winning the election, and that while Qasim had believed that President Yameen would be a fair leader, he later had to suffer the consequences of his misconception.

Others who signed into the party include former State Minister Mohamed Ahmed Manik, former Youth Minister Mohamed Maleeh, and former Minister at the President’s Office Abdulla Ameen.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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