K. Male'
10 Feb 2018 | Sat 21:24
Police break up Saturday's opposition youth rally
Police break up Saturday's opposition youth rally
Mohamed Wisam
Opposition Intimidation
Five arrested at opposition youth rally
Mikael Naseem, the president of MDP’s youth wing, was among the arrested
Officers pushed them back from the main road and confiscated their banner
Authorities have been allowing pro-government gatherings

Five people were arrested on Saturday at a youth rally calling on authorities to abide by the Supreme Court’s February 1 ruling.

Mikael Naseem, the president of Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP)’s youth wing, was among those taken into police custody.

Special Operations (SO) officers pushed them back from the main road and confiscated their banner. Protesters insisted that their rally was protected by the right to freedom of assembly.

While police have been breaking up opposition rallies, not only are pro-government gatherings and ruling party ceremonies being allowed, but they are also getting press coverage from the state television.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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