K. Male'
10 Feb 2018 | Sat 19:20
Police at an opposition rally
Police at an opposition rally
India - Maldives
India seeks UN fact-finding mission for Maldives
Most countries are looking to India to help deal with the political problems in Maldives
PM Modi and President Trump has discussed the Maldives situation in a phone call
India has refused a special envoy from Maldives

India is working with other countries to request the United Nations (UN) to send a fact-finding mission to assess the situation in Maldives and push President Abdulla Yameen’s government to restore democracy.

This comes after the Maldives government declared a state of emergency and arrested two justices of the Supreme Court, following the court’s order to release nine political prisoners.

The Times of India cited sources as saying that most countries are looking to India to take a lead in dealing with the political problems in the neighboring archipelago, and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Donald Trump has discussed the Maldives situation in a phone call.

India has refused a special envoy from Maldives, and Ambassador Mohamed Ahmed has said that senior Indian officials have been unable to meet with Maldivian diplomats due to their busy schedule.

Maldives has asked China to provide security for its investment in Maldives, which could be interpreted as a request for soldiers, but China refused.

Pakistan has also told the Maldives envoy that it firmly adheres to a policy of non-interference in the affairs of other countries.

On Thursday, President Yameen refused to meet envoys from the European Union (EU).

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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