K. Male'
10 Feb 2018 | Sat 15:11
President Abdulla Yameen speaking at Friday night's rally
President Abdulla Yameen speaking at Friday night's rally
Presidents Office
President Yameen
President Yameen makes untrue claims about ex-President Maumoon
President Yameen spoke at a ruling party rally on Friday night
Yameen claimed Maumoon said ‘Maldives would experience an even larger eclipse’

President Abdulla Yameen has made untrue claims about his half-brother, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, though not explicitly naming him.

President Yameen spoke at a ruling party rally on Friday night, where he claimed that a prominent man in local politics had hinted towards the Supreme Court ruling on 1st February in a tweet the latter posted.

Yameen said Maumoon had tweeted about the lunar eclipse in January, before another that stated that ‘Maldives would experience an even larger eclipse’ on the night of 1st February.

However, none of the tweets on Maumoon’s account suggest this, and the posts on the night of the eclipse have to do with just January’s eclipse and not about an impending eclipse.

The former president is known to have a keen interest in astronomy, a passion that has been with him since his days at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt.

While the president had not named Maumoon to be whom he is referring to, there are no other prominent politicians that posted about the lunar eclipse.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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