K. Male'
10 Feb 2018 | Sat 08:11
Opposition MPs Riyaz and Faris
Opposition MPs Riyaz and Faris
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Crackdown on Opposition
MPs arrested to cement majority in parliament: MP Riyaz
Jailing individuals for duration of investigation is not a concept in Constitution
MP Sinan arrested on Friday
MP Faris is currently in jail

Jumhooree Party Deputy Leader and Kimbidhoo Constituency MP Abdulla Riyaz says that the government is arresting opposition parliamentarians as it is the only way to secure a majority.

In a tweet posted just after midnight on Saturday, MP Riyaz said that this was the current tactic used by the government as it was the only way to cement a majority in parliament.

The parliamentarian who had previously served as the commissioner of police, added jailing a person for the duration of an investigation is a concept alien to the constitution and the penal code.

Several MPs of the opposition faced several criminal charges, with many in jail. MP Abdulla Sinan was arrested on Friday, while MP Faris Maumoon over the week was arrested for the fourth time in months.

The parliament was to start sessions for the new year earlier this month, but due to the State of Emergency, the sessions are on halt indefinitely. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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