K. Male'
10 Feb 2018 | Sat 07:43
Dunya Maumoon with father Maumoon Abdul Gayoom shortly before his arrest
Dunya Maumoon with father Maumoon Abdul Gayoom shortly before his arrest
Ahmed Muhsin
Clash of the Gayooms
Dunya picks uncle’s side, shifts blame of father’s arrest on ex-Pres. Nasheed
Defended the State of Emergency
Asserted her commitment to present administration
Father, Pres. Maumoon arrested on Monday

Dunya Maumoon, daughter of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, has affirmed her commitment to uncle President Abdullah Yameen, shifting the blame of her father’s arrest on former President Mohamed Nasheed.

In a phone interview to Indian Express, she criticized President Nasheed for his ‘very irresponsible’ call for Indian intervention in the Maldives.

Describing the State of Emergency declaration as a ‘necessity’, the former First Daughter said that as ‘a country, we really need to make the decisions ourselves and find a way by ourselves’.

Stating that she was ‘fed up’ with news channels such as RaajjeTV attacking her for her stance, Dunya said she was forced to take up her own defense.

Dunya had defended the Government’s decision to declare a State of Emergency, praising the security services of the country.

Dunya added that former President Maumoon’s arrest was a result of the crisis President Nasheed had created.

President Maumoon was arrested on Monday on charges of planning to overthrow the legally elected government and bribery; both charges are being investigated.

Criticism against Dunya had increased following her father’s incarceration. Many had said Dunya should tender in her resignation in protest and that this situation was deeply embarrassing for her. Others had questioned on why she was compelled to remain in her position in this situation.

Dunya previously served as Foreign Minister in this administration. She had resigned citing differences of opinion over the state’s insistence on implementing death penalty. However, she rejoined in a lesser cabinet position of State Minister and had taken the side of President Yameen in the ongoing clash of Gayoom’s between her father and uncle.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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