K. Male'
10 Feb 2018 | Sat 07:42
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Trials on MP Faris
Leaked audio clip reveals witness being bribed to testify against MP Faris
Bribed with offer of a job
Assured of key position in PPM
Talk floated of a deal worth a ‘million’

A leaked audio clip has revealed that a witness was bribed to testify in the bribery case against Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

In the leaked audio clip, one of the individuals can be heard clearly stating that if the other gave testimony against MP Faris, then he would be counted in the top ranks of ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM).

‘[MP] Abdul Raheem has a lot of connections. We cannot give any promises that we can strengthen [your] side from the island. But we can strengthen your clout here [possibly Sri Lanka]. This is a decision [Ambassador Mohamed Hussain Shareef] Mundhu and I are taking. One leadership in the campaign. We have five campaign houses, in areas Maldivians live in the most,’ the clip reveals.

In the audio it can also be heard that Government will present evidence, but even the Judge would not be aware of who the witness was. It is also specified in the clip that this operation was run under Tourism Ministry.

If the witness gave testimony as ‘suggested’, then he would be rewarded with a position in the Maldivian Embassy in Sri Lanka, with a pay of US$ 3000 per month as a diplomat.

In the audio instructions were issued on how to give witness statement. Additionally, the witness was coached on the amount allegedly offered as a bribe to him by MP Faris.

It is believed that the person being instructed in the audio clip is Jumhooree Party activist, Ahmed Shafiu. It is also believed that Shafiu was being coached by a person only identified as Manthu, an employee at the Embassy of the Maldives in Sri Lanka.

In a previous interview given to RaajjeMV Shafiu had revealed that MP Faris was accused of bribing Members of Parliament, over the vote of no confidence on Parliament Speaker Abdullah Maseeh. The charge sheet say that MP Faris had allegedly bribed Isdhoo Constituency MP Ahmed Rasheed Ibrahim.

MP Rasheed had begged Shafiu to give testimony against MP Faris, by saying that he had distributed MVR 300,000 to MP Rasheed on behest of MP Faris. Shafiu had denied the allegations, stating that MP Rasheed had given that testimony as he was under significant pressure.

Shafiu was arrested on the night of July 4, 2017. He was released five days later, after Criminal Court had declared that there was no sufficient evidence to detain him any further. The prosecution had filed the case for appeal in High Court. The High Court had ruled the Criminal Court’s decision was apt.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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