K. Male'
08 Feb 2018 | Thu 11:11
President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom at PPM rally
President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom at PPM rally
Presidents Office
Maldives In Crisis
Pres. Yameen challenges opposition, says they do not have mettle to take on leadership
Under Nasheed’s rule foreign military presence will exist
There is no need for foreign intervention
No reason for personal attacks

President Abdullah Yameen Abdul Gayoom once again has challenged the opposition, stating that they do not have the mettle to take on leadership or running the nation.

Speaking in the rally held on Wednesday evening, President Yameen said that during the administration of former President Mohamed Nasheed, the President’s Office regularly employed foreign nationals as consultants paid by the state.

‘My message to the State and Armed Forces is that if Nasheed is allowed back to ruling the country, then expect foreign military presence. For this reason alone, Maldivian soldiers have to think of this,’ he said.

President Yameen added that calling for foreign intervention in every situation only showed how inept the opposition was. Given this, he said it was impossible to fathom how they would take on the mettle of running a nation. Describing this as a colossal failure, the President said that only patriots should be given the opportunity to rule.

Adding that he had not given a reason for the opposition to target him, President Yameen denied that he had any business ties either.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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