K. Male'
06 Feb 2018 | Tue 11:47
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Ex-President Nasheed
Ex-President Nasheed calls on India and US to intervene in Maldives' political tension
Nasheed made two 'humble requests' upon India and the US
Maldives and India have had an easy history of military support
Nasheed is among a total of nine individuals whom the apex court asked to be released

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has called on the Indian and United States government in the political tension currently ongoing in the Maldives.

In a post on his Twitter account, Nasheed ‘humbly requested’ upon India and the US to ensure that political detainees are released and choke the government’s finances.

Maldives and India have had an easy history of military support and a number of training exercises are routinely held in unison between the armed forces of both countries.

Nasheed is among a total of nine individuals whom the apex court declared were subject to unfair judicial proceedings and therefore cannot be kept in prison.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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