K. Male'
05 Feb 2018 | Mon 10:29
Supreme Court Justice Abdulla Saeed
Supreme Court Justice Abdulla Saeed
Supreme Court Ruling
Chief Justice refuses to meet President Yameen
President Yameen wishes to meet the Chief Justice regarding the recent Supreme Court ruling
Government has so far refused to obey the court order to release political prisoners and reinstate opposition MPs
President Yameen on Monday sent three letters to the Chief Justice

Chief Justice Abdulla Saeed has denied President Abdulla Yameen’s request for a meeting.

RaajjeMV understands that President Yameen wishes to meet the Chief Justice regarding the Supreme Court ruling on Thursday.

The government has so far refused to obey the Supreme Court order to release nine political prisoners and reinstate 12 opposition MPs.

President Yameen on Monday sent three letters to the Chief Justice.

In a press statement on state media TVM, Minister of Legal Affairs at the President’s Office Azima Shakoor said the first letter was a request for an amendment to the law barring Judicial Service Commission (JSC) from looking into cases of judges.

The second letter is a request to cancel the Supreme Court order to release political prisoners, and the third is a request to reverse the Supreme Court’s decision to cancel the arrest order on Judicial Administrator Hassan Saeed.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
- comment
6 years ago
Flagrant defiance of the Supreme Court ruling is enough grounds for the Supreme Court to level charges against an incumbent President! He is caught in the act of committing a criminal offense!