K. Male'
03 Feb 2018 | Sat 18:41
Ex-Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz
Ex-Chief Justice Ahmed Faiz
Sun Online
Former Chief Justice Faiz
Only 'due process' for SC ruling is enforcement: Ex-Chief Justice Faiz
Faiz’s post states that the government is ‘plainly’ attempting to have enforcing the ruling delayed
Faiz was removed from his position after the state changed the number of justices from seven to three

There are no due processes that the Attorney General’s Office or the Prosecutor General’s Office need to follow in relation to Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling, former chief justice Ahmed Faiz says.

Faiz said this in a post on his official Facebook account, adding that personal sentiments and misgivings about the verdict must not factor into its enforcement.

Faiz’s post states that the government is ‘plainly’ attempting to have enforcing the ruling delayed, and that the Prosecutor General’s Office and Attorney General’s Office have no capacity to question it.

Faiz was removed from his position at the helm of Maldives’ judiciary at the Supreme Court after the state changed the number of justices from seven to three.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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