K. Male'
03 Feb 2018 | Sat 07:25
State Minister Shifaaq Mufeed of the Home Ministry
State Minister Shifaaq Mufeed of the Home Ministry
Shifaaq Mufeed
Police will not allow 'freedom to travel' to be used in politics: Shifaaq Mufeed
The opposition has decided to have their supporters in the out lying islands brought to the capital
Shifaaq Mufeed said that these supporters should not be allowed to gather anywhere in Malé City

The Maldives Police Service will not allow individuals to abuse their right to travel in order to hold political protests, said state minister Shifaaq Mufeed.

Mufeed said that he is aware that the opposition wishes to have their supporters in the out lying islands gather in the capital city.

Therefore, he said that the police cannot restrict the constitutional freedom to travel but will not allow these ‘migrated’ supporters to gather anywhere in the capital city.

Mufeed said that obstructing peace and stability is unacceptable, especially under the guise of another such freedom.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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