K. Male'
03 Feb 2018 | Sat 06:53
Screen grab from telecast of PPM press
Screen grab from telecast of PPM press
Ahmed Muhsin
Progressive Party of Maldives
Ticket is fake, President Yameen will not flee: PPM
Ticket on social media is fake
Pres. Yameen can take nation to a safe destination

The ruling faction of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) have refuted rumors that President Abdullah Yameen is to leave the country, stating that the ticket circulating on social media is fake.

PPM made the statement in a press conference held Friday evening.

PPM Deputy Leader and Fonadhoo Constituency MP Abdul Raheem Abdullah said that there were rumors that President Yameen is to leave to Singapore.

He added that President Yameen is not a deserter and is more than capable of leading the nation to a safe destination.

MP Raheem stressed that one aspect of the constitution cannot overtake the other, as all aspects of the constitution were superior.

The other members of the press conference took to praising President Yameen, stressing the delay in implementing Supreme Court verdict as a win for them.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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