K. Male'
02 Feb 2018 | Fri 08:10
Male' Prison
Male' Prison
Supreme Court Rules to Release
Working to implement Supreme Court ruling: Correctional
Correctional confirmed that it has received the ruling, and is now working on completing the procedural steps
Police service has also confirmed that it will obey the ruling
It has been seven hours since the ruling, with no significant process seen from relevant authorities

Correctional service has said it is working to implement the recent Supreme Court ruling on authorities to release jailed politicians.

Correctional confirmed that it has received the ruling, and is now working on completing the procedural steps.

Police service has also confirmed that it will obey the ruling.

It has been seven hours since the ruling from the apex court with no significant process seen from relevant authorities.

In the ruling signed by the five Supreme Court justices, they ordered the release of these politicians:

  • Former President Mohamed Nasheed,
  • Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim,
  • Former defense Minister Mohamed Nazim,
  • Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdullah,
  • Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb,
  • Former Prosecutor General Muhthaaz Muhsin,
  • Dhiggaru MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon.

The court has also ruled that the Elections Commission (EC) decision to strip 12 sitting MPs from their seats as unconstitutional.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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