K. Male'
02 Feb 2018 | Fri 07:06
President's Office
President's Office
Azmoon Ahmed
Supreme Court Ruling
Respect SC ruling, working to verify verdict, says Maldives Govt.
Authorities yet to implement SC ruling
CP Areef says he was dismissed for trying to implement SC ruling
State raising doubts over validity of SC ruling

The Government of Maldives has stated that they will respect the Supreme Court ruling and that they had initiated procedures relating to the said ruling.

The opposition had raised doubts and questions over the lack of action on part of authorities to take action they are mandated to carry out.

A statement in President’s Office, aimed at foreign parties, quoting Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar said that the Government will always follow the verdicts issued by Supreme Court.

‘Speaking at the press briefing, the Attorney General stated that the Administration was currently working to vet and clarify tonight's Supreme Court's ruling. He also said that the Administration would work to engage and consult with the Supreme Court, in order to comply with the ruling, in line with proper procedure and the rule of law,’ said the statement.

The Office had also released news stateemnts over the dismissal of Commissioner of Police Areef and appointment of Deputy Commissioner of Police Ahmed Saudhee as Acting Commissioner.

Attorney General Mohamed Anil in the press conference said that President Abdullah Yameen had attempted to contact CP Areef, but was unable to reach him.

CP Areef had denied these allegations. Speaking to RaajjeMV, Areef said that he was removed from his position for having attempted to implement the Supreme Court verdict.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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