K. Male'
02 Feb 2018 | Fri 00:58
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Mohamed Nasheed
Former President Nasheed
Ex-President Nasheed to return to Maldives soon, "but not tonight"
Nasheed said he is awaiting a decision from the Maldivian Democratic Party
There are a number of the opposition's leadership in self-exile abroad
The opposition previously said that Nasheed will leave to the Maldives on Thursday

Former President Mohamed Nasheed has revealed that he will return to the Maldives soon but is currently awaiting a decision from his party.

The opposition leader said this while speaking to RaajjeMV on Thursday night, following the Supreme Court ruling to repeal the 13-year jail sentence against him. 

The opposition previously said that Nasheed will leave to the Maldives, along with several other prominent members of the opposition's leadership currently in Sri Lanka, on Thursday night itself. 

MP Abdulla Riyaz, the Jumhooree Party's deputy leader, claimed as such while speaking at the opposition rally currently ongoing at a Maldivian Democratic Party camp in the capital city. 

There are a number of the opposition's leadership in self-exile abroad. Their decision to return follows a Supreme Court ruling to repeal criminal sentences passed on the following: 

  • Former President Mohamed Nasheed
  • Jumhooree Party leader Qasim Ibrahim
  • Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdulla 
  • Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb
  • Former Defence Minister Mohamed Nazim
  • Former Prosecutor General Muhuthaaz Muhusin
  • MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon
  • Judge Ahmed Nihan
  • Hamid Ismail 

The Supreme Court had called for their immediate release and stated in their ruling that the Prosecutor General's Office must pursue charges against those culpable if said release is delayed. 

The time of their arrival is yet to be revealed. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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