K. Male'
01 Feb 2018 | Thu 15:51
The Fenaka Corporation's managing director photographed at the branch in Addu City
The Fenaka Corporation's managing director photographed at the branch in Addu City
Addu City
State sends electricity bill of nearly half-a-million to home in Addu City
The bill amounts to a total of MVR 495,111.42
This is the amount charged from the home for the period of one month, from 26th December to 26th January
Averagely, monthly costs of electricity for homes in Addu City are at about MVR 4,000 to 5,000

The state has sent a month-end electricty bill of nearly half-a-million rufiyaa to a home in southernmost Addu City.

The bill, photographs of which have circulated on social networking platforms, is the amount charged from the home for the period of one month, from 26th December to 26th January.

In total, according to the bill, the sum that has been charged from the home for this period is a total of of over MVR 495 thousand (specifically 495,111.42).

The state utilities company, Fenaka Corporation, has responded to concerns from the residents of said home. They say that the amount was an error.

Further, RaajjeMV understands that the corporation had sent bills amounting to an excess of 23,000 to about four homes in Addu City last month.

Averagely, monthly costs of electricity for homes in Addu City are at about MVR 4,000 to 5,000.

A similar case involving the State Electric Company (STELCO) had also surfaced last year, and is known to recur from time to time.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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