K. Male'
30 Jan 2018 | Tue 11:29
MPs outside of Supreme Court
MPs outside of Supreme Court
Hussain Hassaan
Floor Crossing Motion
MPs head to SC for the 12th day, seeking answers over status of seats
Parliament to open on February 5th
Over 60,000 constituents effected by EC decision

Twelve Members of Parliament on Monday once again, to clarify the status of their Parliament seats.

This is the 12th day MPs are heading to the apex court.

Speaking to press afterward, Makunudhoo Constituency MP and opposition Adhaalath Party member Anaaraa Naeem said that they were in the Supreme Court over the Elections Commission (EC) decision that had effectively barred the MPs from fulfilling their legal mandate to their constituents. The longer the issue was delayed in the Parliament, rights of citizens were at risk, she said.

In spite of the time spent in Supreme Court over the past two days, Anaaraa said they were unable to meet a senior figure, Chief Justice or any Judge at the Supreme Court. She added they had even petitioned for a meeting with Chief Justice Abdullah Saeed – an appointment is yet to be granted.

The Parliamentarian noted that the Parliament is scheduled to start on February 5th, stressing that a solution must be found to the decision.

EC last year announced that 12 MPs were dismissed from their seats, following the Supreme Court ruling which had banned floor crossing.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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