K. Male'
29 Jan 2018 | Mon 23:07
Mahchangolhi South Constituency MP Abdullah Sinan
Mahchangolhi South Constituency MP Abdullah Sinan
Abuse of State Assets
First Lady's private charitable foundation using state corporations: MP Sinan
Those near First Lady do not want beneficial change
Foundation was created on noble grounds
Left Foundation due to immense pressure

Mahchangolhi South Constituency MP Abdullah Sinan has accused First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim Didi of abusing state resources and corporations to run her private charitable foundation, Sadaqath Foundation. 

Sinan, who served as Secretary General of the Foundation, said that when the Foundation was first formed, there was no audit firm to oversee the funds. Therefore, he said the Foundation was structured with the mechanisms to audit. If, he added, the Foundation was run in the way it was first designed, then issues would not arise. 

Sinan said he had faced immense pressure when he sought to rectify issues in the Foundation, especially from those near First Lady. 

'Take the dates issue. I specifically asked why bring a vehicle from MRDC to transport them. It can be done for MVR 300, by hiring a pickup. I asked why. Accusations come against [the Foundation] due to issues like this,' he said. 


Refering to the motion filed in Supreme Court to relieve President Abdullah Yameen, Sinan said trials must be free and fair and there should be no room for doubt over the verdict. The motion, he noted, was tied to the national interest and that he hoped the decision will be a just one. 

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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