K. Male'
29 Jan 2018 | Mon 19:54
Office of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)
Office of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)
Mohamed Sharuhaan
EC refuses to respond to claims that PPM dissolved
Former President Gayoom, leader of PPM, said EC was notified that the ruling party has been dissolved
PPM failed to hold the party’s national congress after the last one in January 2013
As per law, failure for a party to hold a national congress every five years will result in its dissolution

Elections Commission (EC) has so far refused to address claims that ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has been dissolved according to law.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, the leader of PPM, has said that EC was notified that the ruling party has been dissolved.

He made the claim after PPM failed to hold the party’s national congress after the last one in January 2013. As per law, failure for a party to hold a national congress every five years will result in its dissolution.

While Gayoom was elected as PPM president five years ago, he was removed from the position and dismissed from the party through the influence of the party’s chief advisor and incumbent President Abdulla Yameen.

RaajjeMV called EC President Ahmed Suleiman for a response, but he asked that the news outlet contact its Vice President Amjad Mustafa.

But when called, VP Mustafa said he was in a meeting and would call later before hanging up. Afterwards RaajjeMV has been unable to contact him.

Other members have also been persistently refusing requests for information.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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