K. Male'
29 Jan 2018 | Mon 16:40
A parliament sitting
A parliament sitting
People Megazine
Start of this year’s first parliament session on Feb 5
The president is to address the parliament on the state of the country, and give proposals for improvement
Opposition MPs protested at his last three addresses to parliament by calling for his resignation
12 MPs have been barred from parliament after EC ruled they have lost their seats

The start of this year’s first parliament session has been scheduled for February 5.

As per the Constitution, President Abdulla Yameen will give his address at the sitting on next week’s Monday.

Article 84 of the Constitution states that the president is required to give an address at the first sitting of the first session of the year.

The president is to address the parliament on the state of the country, and give proposals for improvement.

President Yameen’s administration has reached its fourth year. Opposition MPs protested at his last three addresses to parliament by calling for his resignation. In response to the protests in his 2015 address, President Yameen gave a thumbs-down to opposition MPs and a thumbs-up to pro-government lawmakers.

Last year, Elections Commission (EC) ruled that 12 MPs from the opposition have lost their seats, and have been barred from entering the parliament building. The MPs have repeatedly gone to Supreme Court to get a clear verdict on the issue.

Opposition leaders have recently requested the Supreme Court to dismiss President Yameen.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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