K. Male'
29 Jan 2018 | Mon 15:45
Shifaq Mufeed speaking at a Progressive Party of Maldives event
Shifaq Mufeed speaking at a Progressive Party of Maldives event
Supreme Court of the Maldives
Supreme Court should not accept opposition's motion on Yameen: Shifaq Mufeed
He said this while speakingon pro-government news station, Channel 13
He further said that the opposition’s motion is an attempt to slander Yameen with no legal basis
The opposition is seeking to have Yameen impeached on the grounds of corruption and tyranny

Shifaaq Mufeed, state minister at the Home Ministry, has said that he does not believe the Supreme Court should accept the opposition’s motion to oust President Abdulla Yameen.

Speaking to a program on pro-government news station, Channel 13, Mufeef, popularly known as ‘Histo’ said that the motion is one for parliament and not a court of law.

Histo went on to say that the motion shows how unfamiliar the opposition is with the legal process of such matters, and it is ‘deeply shameful’, given that two of the oppositions four leaders are former presidents.

He further said that the opposition’s motion is an attempt to slander Yameen with no legal basis and is void by itself.

In response to the motion, the Progressive Party of Maldives’ parliamentary group leader Ahmed Nihan Hussein Manik said that it is ‘bound to fail, and they should focus on something else’.

The motion was filed with the Supreme Court on Sunday night with signatures from former presidents Mohamed Nasheed and Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, along with opposition leaders Qasim Ibrahim and Imran Abdulla.

The opposition is seeking to have Yameen impeached on the grounds of corruption, tyranny, and matters of presidential integrity.

The landmark motion, first to be filed against an incumbent leader, has been earmarked as a constitutional matter.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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