K. Male'
29 Jan 2018 | Mon 04:05
Lawyer Maumoon Hameed, chief lawyer for MP Faris Maumoon
Lawyer Maumoon Hameed, chief lawyer for MP Faris Maumoon
Mohamed Sharuhaan
MP Faris’ Arrest
MP Faris’ defense files habeas corpus motion
Arrested again after a two-day release

Lawyers for Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon have filed for a habeas corpus motion in Criminal Court. 

Lawyer Maumoon Hameed said the habeas corpus motion was filed and that he hoped that Criminal Court would expedite their screening process and to hold a hearing on Sunday. The defense had also submitted eight motions urging for his immediate release.

The eight motions issued are as follows:

  • Arrest warrant on MP Faris was issued against Criminal Court procedures
  • Arrest warrant issued, implemented in violation of upper court rulings
  • MP Faris deprived from legal rights, protection having being detained on false grounds
  • Arrest requested by Prosecutor General’s Office to Criminal Court on trumped up grounds
  • Criminal Court order to increase his remands was illegal
  • Basic rights granted under clause 42 of Constitution was revoked from MP Faris
  • Arrest warrant issued, implement without taking into account the legal ramifications and thereby endangering the protections granted under law
  • Under the Penal Code clause 2017 (a) and (b) a habeas corpus motion can be filed even on a person who is detained

Habeas corpus is a law that states that a person cannot be kept in prison unless they have first been brought before a court of law, which decides whether it is legal for them to be kept in prison.

MP Faris was arrested two days after court ordered his released, following 191 days in prison on bribery charges. He was detained for the duration of investigation and trial. 

He was arrested on Saturday again on bribery charges and on planning a coup to overthrow the Government. MP Faris was remanded for 15 days.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Abdulla Naseer Ibrahim
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