K. Male'
28 Jan 2018 | Sun 17:36
President Yameen: opposition leaders filed case in Supreme Court
President Yameen: opposition leaders filed case in Supreme Court
President Abdullah Yameen
Three opposition leaders file suit in Supreme Court to remove President Yameen
Case filed on Sunday
Presidents Maumoon, Nasheed, JP Leader Qasim Ibrahim filed case
Opposition has intensified attacks on Government

Former Presidents Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, Mohamed Nasheed and Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim as well as Adhaalath Party’s Ali Zahir has filed petition in Supreme Court to remove President Abdullah Yameen from his position.Case was filed citing theft and corruption on part of President Yameen, as explained by the former President Mohamed Nasheed in a tweet posted after the case was filed. In the tweet the former President said the case was filed requesting Supreme Court to remove President Yameen from his position. 


The case was filed as consitutional case. 

This is the first time in the nation's history that an impeachment motion was filed on a sitting President.

Clause 100 of the Constitution stated that either President or Vice President can be removed by a motion from the Parliament. Clause 113 of the Constitution also stipulates that in the event views differ on the impeachment motion on President or Vice President, then only the Supreme Court had the right to make a decision on the motion and that such a motion must be deliberated by the full bench of the Court. Any decision on the matter is final, as per the said clause. 

Clause 119 of the Constitution is also clear on the conduct of the President, which stipulates that the President cannot hold any position or venture that will benefit him or have any ventures where he owns a share that would put him in a position of benefiting financially. All actions and ventures that earn the President or any individual related to him that creates any fincial benefits are similarly discouraged. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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