K. Male'
28 Jan 2018 | Sun 15:22
Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee (l) with Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee (l) with Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom
Maumoon and Dr Shainee
'Gayoom should know he is not above the law': Minister
Gayoom accused the military of failing to provide him and his family with security by allowing officers inside his home.
Minister Shainee retorted whether the law allows him to call for a coup
Gayoom gave a speech at an opposition ceremony in which he said the current government should be removed, even before this year's presidential election

Fisheries Minister Mohamed Shainee has said that former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom should know he is not above the law.

This comes after the former president lashed out at the government over a police search at his home on Saturday.

Gayoom accused the military of failing to provide him and his family with security, which they are legally required to give for former presidents, by allowing officers inside his home.

In a tweet, Minister Shainee said that even former presidents cannot hid behind the law or defy court orders.

Minister Shainee also retorted whether the law allows him to call for a coup. This is in response to a speech Gayoom gave at an opposition ceremony held on Thursday night, in which he said the current government should be removed, even before this year's presidential election.

Police searched Gayoom's home on Saturday to gather evidence for his son MP Faris Maumoon's case. Faris has been arrested and remanded for 15 days over allegations of bribing fellow lawmakers and planning to overthrow the government.

This is the second time he has been arrested following his release three days ago after six months in jail.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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