K. Male'
26 Jan 2018 | Fri 22:04
Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar
Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar
Presidents Office
Government vs Opposition
Will not allow a coup to overthrow Pres. Yameen’s rule: Defense Minister
Will not allow any disruptions to peace
Law is clear on how administrations can change
Previously law had caught up with coup planners

Defense Minister Adam Shareef Umar has responded back to the opposition, stating that they will not allow anyone to overthrow President Abdullah Yameen’s rule, adding that legal action will be taken on those who plan as such.

He made the statement on national TV in response to the statements made by former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom and Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) Parliamentary Group Leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, to overthrow the Government before the elections of 2018.

In his statement, Defense Minister Shareef said that the law was clear on how an administration can be changed. Any plans to change the administration by any means other than the ones in the law, he said, cannot be allowed. Describing such attempts as extra-judicial, Minister Shareef said that they will not allow such attempts.

He added that all was equal before law and said that history will testify that law had caught up to those who had planned coups.

Minister Shareef further added that neither Police nor the Armed Forces will accept such a move.

While the Minister had called out on the opposition for their calls to a coup, senior figures of the present administration, including President Abdullah Yameen, had done the same in the regime change of 2012. International parties have maintained the events of February 2012 was a coup, while many of the public believe the events unfolded as such, as a result of actions of Police and Armed Forces.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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