K. Male'
25 Jan 2018 | Thu 22:37
Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim
Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim
Opposition Rally
Judges, Police, Army must fulfill responsibilities to liberate from cruelty: Qasim Ibrahim
Called on to implement laws, responsibility with impartiality
Imran’s sentence was politically motivated, by current leaders
Individual personal responsibility

Jumhooree Party Leader Qasim Ibrahim has stated that it was imperative that we respect laws, Constitution and officers of Police, Army and members of the judiciary take heed of their responsibilities, in order for the people to be liberated of this tyranny.

He made the statement in a special message played at the opposition's rally on Thursday night, to mark 1,000 days Sheikh Imran had spent in jail.

In his address, Qasim had called on all to remain impartial, respect laws and heed responsibilities. He added that the common good will have to be prioritized on, irrespective of outside influences or personal difficulties, especially for those in law enforcement.

‘I believe that those that had been mentioned before must be sincere if we are to ever to liberate ourselves from our current situation,’ he said.

Referring to the verdict on Sheikh Imran, Qasim said the verdict was motivated by the cruel intentions of some in the Government, which was being revealed now. Former Vice President Ahmed Adeeb had attested that the verdict on Sheikh Imran was a plan of President Abdullah Yameen.

Qasim issued a plea to Supreme Court and other related agencies to review the request for appeal of Sheikh Imran.

He added that in spite of the multiple infractions on Sheikh Imran’s rights, the Sheikh had remained steadfast and committed and thanked him for it.

Qasim’s speech also focused on others arrested in connection to the May Day protests.

‘Some of citizens and political figures who had taken part in the activities of the International Worker’s Day, are still experiencing unjust treatment. Some are in still jail, without a verdict. Other are in self-exile, living in desperate conditions,’ he added.

Qasim noted the case of Abdullah Rasheed, a May Day protester who had died in jail while serving a five-year jail term. Describing the verdict as a violation of due process, Qasim said Rasheed had passed away due to neglect, after he had failed to get adequate medical treatment.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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