K. Male'
24 Jan 2018 | Wed 09:38
Former President Maumoon with members of PPM
Former President Maumoon with members of PPM
2018 Presidential Elections
PPM in a legal vacuum, cannot determine who can be candidate: Ex-President Maumoon
Five-year term for Councils, Committees, branches of Party expired
General members concerned over issue
Term for Electoral Committee expired, cannot hold primaries

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has sent a letter to the Elections Commission (EC), alerting them that the tenures of council, committees and branches of the Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) have expired.

A letter sent, addressed to EC President, quoted clause 32 (a) of political party laws, which state that a national congress must be held every two and half years. Clause 81 (a) of states that unless indicated otherwise, all councils, committees and branches of the party has a term of five years. The letter noted that the appointments were made to these positions in the party during the first National Congress held from 17th to 19th January of 2013.

Therefore, President Maumoon’s letter noted the five-year term given to these councils, committees and branches have effectively expired on 19th January 2018. The former President said, the party was effectively shut down as no such new appointments were made before the tenure of the existing councils, committees and branches had expired. This, he said, was deeply concerning to the general members of the party he has now alerted the EC, in his capacity as the elected leader of the party.

President Maumoon added that as the party’s electoral committee’s tenure had also expired, there was no way of holding a primary election to determine a candidate for the upcoming presidential elections. He further noted that there were valid doubts on bringing out a candidate on the party ticket for the elections as well.

Leadership of the party had been hotly contested by President Maumoon and his half-brother, incumbent President Abdullah Yameen. President Yameen, who serves as chief advisor, has no official or legal roles to fulfill in the party under the current hierarchy. However, under a Civil Court ruling, the ownership of the party was handed over to President Yameen; a move which is contested by the former President.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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