K. Male'
23 Jan 2018 | Tue 21:08
Hinnavaru Constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih 
Hinnavaru Constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih 
Joint Opposition Rally
Will end this injustice by taking example from Sheikh Imran: MP Solih
Have to be motivated by Sheikh Imran's example
Imran is a trusted figure in opposition
May Day participants are still steadfast on goals

Hinnavaru Constituency MP Ibrahim Mohamed Solih says that the opposition will bring an end to the injustice of President Abdullah Yameen by taking example from Adhaalath Party leader Sheikh Imran Abdullah's strong will. 

Solih, who also serves as the minority leader of the Parliament, made the statement in the rally held by the joint opposition on Tuesday evening, in Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) campaign hall, haruge. 

Speaking about Sheikh Imran and his 1,000 days in prison, MP Solih said that Sheikh Imran was one of the most trustworthy figures he had met during his political career. Reflecting on the 2015 May Day protests, Solih said that the opposition will bring an end to President Yameen's regime using the strenght and determination of Sheikh Imran and May Day protesters. 

Adding that Sheikh Imran had spent 1,000 days in prison, Solih said that we must take inspiration from his conviction. 

He said the work of MDP, Jumhooree Party and Adhaalath Party was against injustice, restriction of political space and restriction of free media. 


Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Aishath Shaany
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