K. Male'
23 Jan 2018 | Tue 06:55
MP Ali Hussain in Monday's press conference
MP Ali Hussain in Monday's press conference
2018 Presidential Elections
All resorts who do not finance Pres. Yameen will be under threat: Joint Opposition
Pres. Yameen has no use for leaders in tourism sector: MP Ali Hussain
Workers have to unite in solidarity with Villa staff
Customs acted against laws, court order

Joint Opposition parties have stated that any resort owner who refuses to finance President Abdullah Yameen’s re-election bid faced arbitrary searches.

Speaking in a press conference on Monday evening, Kendhoo Constituency MP Ali Hussain said that President Yameen had no use for any individual or leader in the tourism sector. President Yameen’s main aim, he alleged, was money.

‘President Yameen is aiming to win the 2018 Presidential elections, without depending on local businesses or resort owners. Therefore, he sees no importance in such individuals at the moment. What he wants is money. Any business, resort owner who fails to provide funds as he demands, then the properties they own face arbitrary searches. We’re sure of that. No one is safe now,’ he added.

The Parliamentarian stressed on the importance of standing up for those whose rights were squashed.

He said that it was essential all workers, especially those in the tourism sector, unite in solidarity with the 3952 staff of Villa resorts. MP Ali Hussain further noted the ripple effects on the 3952 staff and their families caused by the search.

MP Ali Hussain also looked into the validity of Customs searching and confiscating items. Noting that Customs has no legal rights to carry out a criminal investigation, he said the agency had violated laws and court order issued to them.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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