K. Male'
22 Jan 2018 | Mon 10:04
Sheikh Imran Abdulla at a press conference held by the religiously-conservative Adhaalath Party
Sheikh Imran Abdulla at a press conference held by the religiously-conservative Adhaalath Party
Sheikh Imran Abdulla
Opposition to mark 1,000 days since Imran's imprisonment
The opposition is to hold a rally on 25th January
The rally is to be held at Kunooz, and all four leaders are to give an address
Sheikh Imran was given a 12-year jail term on allegations of terrorism

The united opposition parties have announced their plans to hold a rally to mark 1,000 days since Adhaalath Party leader Imran Abdulla was jailed.

The Criminal Court would have sentenced the opposition leader to a 12-year jail term a 1,000 days ago on the 25th of this January.

The rally is to be held at Kunooz, the Jumhooree Party (JP)’s headquarters in Maafannu of Malé City, and all four opposition leaders are to address supporters.

Sheikh Imran was given a 12-year jail term on allegations of terrorism for a speech he gave at an opposition rally on May 1st, 2015.

The ‘May Day’ protest was a mass opposition rally held following the conviction of former president Mohamed Nasheed, an opposition leader himself.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Humaam Ali
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