K. Male'
21 Jan 2018 | Sun 10:18
Officials search a Villa resort
Officials search a Villa resort
Raids on Villa Group Resorts
Dr Jameel urges police to stop intimidating opposition
Police activity should not be a decoy to frame and criminally implicate the public and politicians
Police urged to not join the government’s “orchestrated attempt to intimidate opposition
Customs says search is being conducted following allegations that the resorts have “illegally obtained” liquor

Dr Mohamed Jameel Ahmed, the current administration’s first Vice President, has said that police need to stop their ‘unlawful’ activities to intimidate and hinder the opposition.

The now self-exiled opposition leader said this in regards to the government searches on resorts owned by opposition Jumhoree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim.

In a tweet on Saturday, Dr Jameel said it was “good to see Police active in public safety and security,” but that it should not be a decoy to frame and criminally implicate the innocent public and politicians.

He urged the police to “cease all illegal charges” and not join the government’s “orchestrated attempt to intimidate opposition.”

The government is being criticized by the opposition and the public over the searches, which Customs says is being conducted following allegations that the resorts have “illegally obtained” liquor.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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