K. Male'
21 Jan 2018 | Sun 10:20
Police and Customs officials arrive at Fun Island Resort
Police and Customs officials arrive at Fun Island Resort
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Raids on Villa Group Resorts
Customs urges media to refrain from writing negative stories about police
Customs exercised their legal rights by confiscating “illegally obtained” liquor from Fun Island Resort
Customs is allowed to request help from the police and military
The government has been accused of abusing its power to harass and damage opposition leader Qasim's businesses

Customs service has urged the media to refrain from writing negative stories about the police service.

This comes after police and Customs officials began searching and confiscating items from resorts of Villa Group, owned by opposition Jumhoree Party (JP) leader Qasim Ibrahim.

In a statement released on Saturday night, Customs said they have exercised their legal rights by confiscating “illegally obtained” liquor from Fun Island Resort, and that the police service did their part by assisting Customs officials during the operation.

It noted that during investigations, Customs is allowed to request help from the police and military.

Therefore, Customs appealed the media to refrain from writing negative and “false” stories regarding the police service, that might create public resentment.

It is not clear why Customs, and not the police, released such a statement.

Authorities have seized a large number of liquor from Fun Island Resort.

The government has been accused of abusing its power to harass and damage Qasim Ibrahim’s businesses.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Hussein Fiyaz
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