K. Male'
20 Jan 2018 | Sat 11:45
Police officers arrive at a Villa resort
Police officers arrive at a Villa resort
Raids on Villa Group Resorts
Solve resort issues without damaging tourism: MATATO
Customs officials raided some Villa resorts on Wednesday and Thursday
It is important to solve problems in the tourism industry through dialogue first
Media reports will not be encouraging for tourists who made bookings

Maldives Association of Travel Agents and Tour Operators (MATATO) has called on authorities to solve issues in resorts without damaging the tourism industry.

Friday’s statement comes after police and Customs officials raided some Villa resorts on Wednesday and Thursday.

In the statement, the association said laws and regulations should be obeyed, but it is important to solve problems in the tourism industry through dialogue first, especially if there are tourists in the resort at the time.

Customs said they searched five resorts of Villa Group after receiving information that they illegally obtained liquor from the Customs bonded warehouse.

Customs stopped selling liquor to four of the resorts in March 22 last year, following a dispute with Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA).

MATATO stated they have not received clear information about the case, but that media reports will not be encouraging for tourists who made bookings in the Maldives.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Ali Yoosuf
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