K. Male'
19 Jan 2018 | Fri 20:03
Officials of the ministry alongside staff of the TVET Authority
Officials of the ministry alongside staff of the TVET Authority
Education Ministry
Education Ministry to train 1,000 cashiers
Theory lessons for the program are available online
Enrollment in the courses are open until the 25th of January

As part of the government’s initiative to educate the youth, the Education Ministry has announced the launching of a set of programs to train 1,000 locals for cashier jobs.

The programs, organized by the TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) Authority, are conducted without imposing any fees on those enrolled.

Theory lessons for the program are available online as well, and residents from anywhere in the country can enroll online.

Enrollment in the courses are open until the 25th of January, and the programs are that of MNFQ levels 3 and 4, two and one level below a diploma certification, respectively.

The TVET Authority, operated under the Education Ministry, had organized similar programs last year as well, and ran photography courses for 1,000 students.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Rushdha Rasheed
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