K. Male'
19 Jan 2018 | Fri 09:39
MP Faris Maumoon exiting court
MP Faris Maumoon exiting court
Mohamed Sharuhaan
Trials on MP Faris
Seven days granted to appoint independent forensic analyst: MP Faris’ defense
State had no issues over appointing a third party
Laws permit hiring an independent analyst
Next hearing on January 30th

Defense for jailed Dhiggaru Constituency MP Ahmed Faris Maumoon has been given seven days to appoint an independent forensic analyst to review the evidence presented in the case against MP Faris over bribery charges.

In Thursday’s hearing of the trial, the Court was to decide on preliminary motions sent in. However, at the start of the trial, MP Faris’ lawyer, Maumoon Hameed announced that the defense was able to appoint an independent forensic analyst. He added that details of the analyst will be shared with the Court in about five days.

This the 16th pretrial motion sent in by the defense, which had asked the Court to authorize an order to conduct forensic analysis through an independent third party.

Prosecution lawyer had raised no objections to the motion, which was deliberated in the hearing on the 3rd of this month. Prosecution had reiterated this in Thursday’s hearing, noting this was a modern practice that was permitted under Maldivian laws.

Judge Ali Adam had granted seven days to notify court on the analyst. He also decreed that if the defense is unable to produce such an analyst in the seven-day period, the Court will announce a verdict on the pre-trial motion.

Last updated at: 10 months ago
Reviewed by: Shan Anees
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